The Kingdom Economy, Part 1
The Kingdom of God has an economy that is exactly the opposite of the world’s. What does heaven’s economy look like, and how do we begin to operate in it here on earth?
The Kingdom of God has an economy that is exactly the opposite of the world’s. What does heaven’s economy look like, and how do we begin to operate in it here on earth?
Most Christians know that we are saved by grace through faith. But once we’re saved, many believe we have to obey all the rules or God won’t accept us or bless us. But is that what God’s Word really teaches?
God’s grace for us is limitless. But even so we often struggle to handle well the stress and difficulties we all face every day. What if there was a way to exchange the grace you have for more grace?
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John writes, “of His fullness we have all received.” (John 1:16) All that Jesus is was made available to everyone who believes and receives Him as their Lord and Savior. But most Christians are woefully ignorant of what that means for them personally…
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In Luke 19 Jesus tells a parable that gives us the clearest understanding of what He expects us to do until He makes His return on that final day. Amazingly, He said nothing about rescuing us from a world on the brink of destruction. Find out if you’re aligned with His Kingdom or actively opposing it… you may be shocked to learn the truth.
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John tells us that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Jesus reveals what the Father had in mind when He first created us, and demonstrates in word and deed what the Father is really like.
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In the gospel of John chapter 1, Jesus is called “The Word.” What’s the significance of that, and why should we care today?
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For those of us who gather together at Heaven’s Invasion, these are our core beliefs… our “non-negotiables.”
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Jesus, as the Son of Man and last Adam, is the progenitor of a new race of supernatural humans. Is that too sci-fi for you? Watch this message and discover what the Bible says about who you really are.
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Jesus is the Head of His own body, yet He is often prevented from moving the parts of it (you and me) as He pleases. We’re on a path to discover what it looks like when we actually allow Him to lead us when we gather together…
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