Shaken, Not Stirred
Satan demanded permission to sift the disciples like wheat. How does he gain access to do this, and how can we overcome this attack strategy?
Satan demanded permission to sift the disciples like wheat. How does he gain access to do this, and how can we overcome this attack strategy?
What happened to Jesus during the moments before His death on the cross? Discover why He shouted, “It is finished!”
Most Christians continue to live with a consciousness of sin, and suffer from strong guilt feelings over their mistakes and errors. God’s word teaches that the blood of Jesus makes us perfect in spirit, and gives us a clear conscience.
So many Christians are unaware of all that the blood of Jesus accomplished for us, so they live like they are still sinners who never measure up and “fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Thankfully, the truth is much better than that.
Most Christians are so focused on people’s bad behavior that it is impossible for them to love others with God’s love. The reason for this is a fundamental ignorance of the truth about sin, and what Jesus did through His blood to remove it.
I Corinthians 14 gives us the most detailed description in all the New Testament of how the early church was designed to function. The picture painted there is far different than what happens in most churches every Sunday morning.
Why is this model being so widely ignored?
Even more shocking, there isn’t a single mention of, or instruction to, leaders in this passage. Why is that, and what’s the implication for us as we meet together in the 21st century?
How did the early Church practice the Kingdom Economy?
Is tithing a part of the Kingdom Economy?
Where do we go from here?
What does “radical generosity” look like?
God’s economy functions via a specialized class of resource managers called “Stewards.” What is the job description of a steward and how do we qualify for this Kingdom position?
Click to Download: Kingdom Stewardship Commission
Most of us Christians are still in “spiritual kindergarten” when it comes to handling money from a Kingdom perspective. Because we place so much importance on finances, money is either a problem (poverty) or a god (mammon), instead of a tool we can learn to use for Kingdom purposes.
Click to Download: Prayer to Release Us Into Financial Freedom