A Big Question
Where would you like to be in your life (and have known you would like to be), but aren’t there yet?
Where would you like to be in your life (and have known you would like to be), but aren’t there yet?
What is God saying to us today through Isaiah 54:1-5?
How did the early Church practice the Kingdom Economy?
Is tithing a part of the Kingdom Economy?
Where do we go from here?
What does “radical generosity” look like?
God’s economy functions via a specialized class of resource managers called “Stewards.” What is the job description of a steward and how do we qualify for this Kingdom position?
Click to Download: Kingdom Stewardship Commission
Most of us Christians are still in “spiritual kindergarten” when it comes to handling money from a Kingdom perspective. Because we place so much importance on finances, money is either a problem (poverty) or a god (mammon), instead of a tool we can learn to use for Kingdom purposes.
Click to Download: Prayer to Release Us Into Financial Freedom
The Kingdom of God has an economy that is exactly the opposite of the world’s. What does heaven’s economy look like, and how do we begin to operate in it here on earth?