Fear has been described as False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R.), and that’s pretty accurate. Our opinion of the future… what we believe might or will happen to us, is rarely in agreement with the heart and promises of our heavenly Father.
God is restoring His glory to the Church. But what, exactly, is this glory? What does it look like and what does it mean for you and me in our day to day lives?
When we have a negative opinion of ourselves that God disagrees with, we are under the influence of a lie that will severely limit how much we will accomplish in life. God’s opinion of you does NOT include saying that you’re a failure…
Everyone has opinions about almost everything, and most of us simply assume that our opinion is right. If you’re a Christian, you should also know that it’s possible for your opinion about something to be wrong, which basically means God might disagree with you!
Unbelief happens when we hold onto an opinion God disagrees with, because we’ve decided it’s true. The problem with this is that if God disagrees with your opinion, then what you’ve chosen to believe is actually a lie. And since we know Jesus said that the truth will make us free, believing a lie can’t lead to a good outcome…
Everyone has beliefs that are not true. These false beliefs combine to create a mindset that affects how we live in this world. Because we believe these lies are true, we defend and protect them when challenged.
This is what the Bible labels a “stronghold,” a place in us where we stand in agreement with the enemy, who is the father of lies.
Can you imagine sending out soldiers to fight their enemy without the proper protective gear? It would quickly become a suicide mission! When it comes to battling the forces of darkness, God feels the same way about His kids… He hasn’t left us unprotected.
But though many Christians can name the various parts of the armor Paul describes in Ephesians 6, most really don’t know the full truth about what their purpose is. If you are one of these, the enemy is taking full advantage of your ignorance to keep you discouraged and defeated.
All of us struggle with negative thoughts, attitudes and feelings. Every negative we tolerate in our mind robs us of our true identity as sons and daughters of God. Satan is well aware of this principle and has built his evil kingdom on keeping us under the influence of his lies, half-truths and negatives.
Discover what you need to know (and do) to start winning this battle, once and for all.
Our circumstances speak to us every day. We see our circumstances and believe that our current situation (sickness, poverty, failure, etc.) is our permanent reality, no matter what God says about it. It’s time for us to reject circumstantial evidence and replace it with the truth of God’s word!
Our declarations are never spoken for the purpose of convincing or pressuring God to do what we want. Instead, we are called to come into agreement with His word and what He already accomplished through Jesus, declare that, and we will see it manifest.