Who’s Your Daddy?
Most people feel so guilty and unworthy before God that they never experience how good a Father He really is.
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Most people feel so guilty and unworthy before God that they never experience how good a Father He really is.
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In our journey to become like Christ, Jesus said the first step we must take is to “deny yourself” and take up your cross. What does that really mean, and what does it actually look like to do that?
If you’d like to participate in the Negativity Fast mentioned at the end of the video, please visit http://ignitinghope.com/negativityfast-home/
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Following Jesus now is not the same as it was for His original disciples. What’s the real purpose of following Him, and what do you need to understand about that in order to participate fully in that process?
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There are many examples in the Gospels of the various ways people responded to Jesus’ invitation to follow Him. This is the conversation we had recently at Heaven’s Invasion about what that looks like for some of us.
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How can we position ourselves to invite the presence and power of God into a situation? Mary, Jesus’ mom, knew the answer…
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In John 5:1-17 Jesus demonstrates how the Father “paints a target” on the people He wants us to minister to. When we do what He shows us, people’s lives are changed forever. But most of us need time for “target practice” to gain confidence in this. Heaven’s Invasion is a safe place where you can learn how to partner with God and get the confidence to do it outside the four walls of the church.
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In John 6:14-21 Jesus’ disciples experience a miracle of supernatural acceleration, when their timeline becomes aligned with God’s eternal timeline. Discover how to position yourself for this to happen in your own life. Receive this prophetic word that the Lord is releasing to His people, to free us from things that have been holding us back from destiny and the abundant life Jesus offers.
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What if our discipleship programs and classes were never the ways Jesus intended for us to be discipled and to disciple others? Let’s discover how to recover the relational, lifestyle kind of discipleship Jesus modeled for us with His own 12 followers…
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Do you have “the spirit of Caleb?” This mighty man of God (Numbers 14 & Joshua 14) represents a generation of sold-out, on fire followers of Jesus, who are learning how to war for the specific inheritance we’ve been given in the Kingdom!
Spirit of Caleb Prayer Strategy
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